Monday, August 15, 2005

Four Brothers

Four Brothers

After their adoptive mother is murdered during a grocery store hold-up, the Mercer brothers--hotheaded Bobby, hard-edged Angel, family man and businessman Jeremiah, and hard rocking Jack--reunite to take the matter of her death into their own hands. As they track down the killer, they quickly realize that their old ways of doing business have new consequences.

I had a completely different experience seeing this movie than I expected. I had no idea that this movie had so much appeal for the African-American folks, but judging from the fact that my wife and I were two of the 12 (yes, I counted before the movie started, I was bored) white people in this sold out show..... the point was driven home. I always apply the audience's reaction toward the movie in my reviews..... and this audience LOVED this movie. The story is well told. You are definitely sympathetic toward the brothers since they lost their mother and you really do care as they get closer and closer to the real killer. It had some definite laugh-out-loud moments and plenty of action. Mark Wahlburg definitely stood out as the older brother, Bobby. His attitude throughout the movie was perfect. Overall, the four brothers were very well cast.

Revenge is the entire story of this movie and the violence level reflects that. Language is what you would expect from a R-rated movie. There is a bit of sexual content but not anything really worth mentioning.

This movie is good but not outstanding. The bad guy had a weak personality that really kept me from truly disliking him. Mark Wahlburg's character was what was truly outstanding in this movie. If you want to see a fairly good revenge movie, Four Brothers is a good choice.

3.8 out of 5


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