Monday, May 22, 2006


It's New Year's Eve and festivities have begun aboard the luxury cruise Poseidon, at sea in the North Atlantic--that is until the First Officer senses that something is wrong. Scanning the horizon, he sees a rogue wave; a monstrous wall of water over one hundred feet high, bearing down on them with tremendous speed.

This movie will, for obvious reasons, draw a lot of comparision with Titanic. But there is one stark difference between Poseidon and Titanic. Titanic spends 90% of the movie in character development before any disaster, Poseidon spends about 20 minutes in character development and uses the disaster for all other character development. If you enjoy edge-of-your-seat disaster movies, this one fits the bill. Kurt Russell is great as always and I really enjoyed Josh Lucas's performance in this film. Some of the situations though were a bit unbelievable. One scene where they had the people swimming underwater through and area and holding their breathes for well over a minute was a bit too unbelievable. I can understand if the former navy guy or firefighter have no problem doing that, but there was also a 10ish year old child and an older man and we are supposed to believe that they can hold their breath that long with no problem?

Violence here and there, no nudity but some language. Nothing different than usual PG-13 action movies.

I think most people going into Poseidon would realize that realism is not what they are shooting for. Just the fact of a huge wave sinking a cruise ship is pretty unbelievable in itself but combined with the incredible breath-holding, ability to get hit in the face very hard with a metal door and still live, and a thin metal table holding two men across a chasm, Poseidon goes from far-fetched to impossible. However, it is obvious that the film maker is going for breathtaking views and narrow escapes, not realism. I just wish we could have gotten to know the characters a little better before disaster struck as I found myself caring little whether they lived or died.

3.0 out of 5


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