Tuesday, February 20, 2007


A boy named Eragon finds a polished blue stone in the forest. At first, he thinks it's a lucky discovery, something that will bring meat to his poor family for the winter. Instead, it brings a dragon hatchling, and Eragon is soon thrust into a world of magic and power through which he and the dragon must navigate.

I really have to stop reading the book before I see the movie. If you are making a movie based on a very good book do you: a. Follow the book as much as possible as it is a tried and true success or b. take the characters from the book and a loose plot outline and basically make the entire story up from scratch. Unfortunately, "b" was chosen. I never once in the book thought "Eragon is an arrogant jerk", but I did constantly through this movie. Regardless of whether Eragon was responding to a king, his mentor or the dragon you could see him right on the edge of a temper tantrum if he didn't get his way. What a hero. Jeremy Irons provided some much needed expertise as Eragon's mentor, Brom.

A PG movie with most of that rating stemming from the frightening look of Durza and the Raz'ac (which were done completely wrong).

What a waste of a license. So many times during this movie my wife and I looked at each other with incredulous looks as major plot points and aspects of the story were completely ignored. This movie could have easily been another Lord of the Rings, but the fact that it threw away an excellent story for a hastily thrown together one makes is more of a Bloodrayne.

1.5 out of 5


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