Friday, October 21, 2005


The daughter of respected matinee idol Lawrence Harvey and model-turned-socialite Sophie Wynn, Domino Harvey was born into a life of wealth and privilege--a lifestyle that did not interest her. Even from her earliest years, Domino rebelled against convention and the jet set.

Man, this movie is bad. I really tried to like it. Keira Knightley as a bounty hunter. What's not to like right? Unfortunately, there is a lot. Typically it takes me at least 45- 60 minutes to get bored in a movie but this movie achieved it in 15. The jumping back and forth between present and past, while done well in other movies, is hard-to-follow and boring. Mickey Rourke, Christopher Walken, Lucy Lui and Keira Knightley's acting skills are all that kept me from walking out of this movie.

The R-rating is well deserved. Lots of language, lots of violence (including blowing off an arm by shooting it multiple times with a shotgun). There is also a scene in a strip club where you see many topless women.

I should have been warned by the poor first trailer for this movie to stay away. Unfortunately, I felt there had to be some redeeming value from this movie but I was wrong. This movie isn't even a renter. The only reason it gets more than one star is the excellent acting mentioned above.

1.5 out of 5


Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow. so, you're saying i should never see this movie. ever. right?

2:25 PM  
Blogger Andrew said...


12:07 PM  

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