Tuesday, June 06, 2006

X-Men: The Last Stand

A cure for mutancy threatens to alter the course of history. For the first time, mutants have a choice: retain their uniqueness, though it isolates and alienates them, or give up their powers and become human

I wouldn't consider myself a X-Men purist. I have only read a few of the comic books and most of my background in the X-Men is either from the animated series on Fox or the X-Men Legends games. However, even I found things in this movie that were a big step away from the X-Men storyline conceived by Marvel. Unfortunately I can't really be specific without giving away major plot twists. First of all there is a major and extremely powerful being that is reduced to the status of Magneto's henchmen. That is wrong. Juggernaut is not a mutant thus Leech's power wouldn't work on him. Also wrong. Honestly the way this film is left I don't see how they can stop there. There is a perfect opening now to introduce the Astral Plane in the next film and thus perhaps an introduction of Emma Frost. Other things bothered me about the continuity of this storyline. Wolverine's role in this movie as the leader of the team really bothered me. Wolverine is not a leader, Storm is a leader, Cyclops is a leader, Wolverine is an animal. I realize that Wolverine sells big time but making him into something he's not cheapens the character and ruins the continuity. Also I understand that Halle Berry is a big name that has to be at the forefront of every movie that she's in, but her "street talk" as Storm about killed me. If Halle wants to be a major part of a movie she should at least study the character she is supposed to be. That being said, I think Brett Ratner did a respectable job coming into this movie midstream. Also Beast was perfectly cast and extremely well done. I just wish this movie would have been more like X2

Nothing different here in the way of violence or language than the previous films. At least there is continuity there.

The first X-Men movie excited me because it was a X-Men movie! Nothing spectacular. X2 blew me away from the beginning with Nightcrawler's scene, impressed me by not only introducing new characters but actually developing them, and ended perfectly leaving moviegoers satisfied yet eager for more. X-Men: The Last Stand feels like they forgot everything that was done right in X2. Characters like Juggernaut, Kitty Pryde, Angel and Moira McTaggert were introduced yet all but ignored. If the studio had decided to introduce less characters, get acquainted with the characters and prepare us for X4 I think this movie could have been as good as its predecessor.

3.4 out of 5


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